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Six-lined Racerunner

Six-lined Racerunner

Aspidoscelis sexlineatus                                      Photo Claire Sunquist ©


Six-lined racerunners have six light blue to yellow lines running the length of their body. Males have a pale blue belly and throat. The hind feet are much longer than the front and the fourth toe on the hind foot is extremely long. They can be up to 12 in (30 cm) long.

This lizard lives in open, dry grasslands and sandy areas.  Six-lined racerunners are very fast and can outrun most humans attempting to catch them.  However, when you see one of these active, alert lizards, you can usually watch it if you don’t get too close.  These lizards rarely climb and often take refuge in burrows if frightened. They eat a variety of insects.


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Fiona Sunquist
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Wildlife of Florida: Lizards
Fiona Sunquist
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