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sandspur sticker florida grass burr

 Cenchrus incertus                                                Photo Fiona Sunquist ©

Sandspurs are one of Florida’s nastiest, most painful weeds, usually found near beaches, fields and disturbed areas. A member of the grass family, they produce small, hooked burs, which are so sharp they can hook on to just about anything even bare skin! The worst part is, they stab you twice, once when they first attach their barbed seeds to you or your dog, and a second time when you try to get hold of them to pull them off.

Florida folklore has it that they won’t hurt you as badly the second time, if you lick your fingers before you try to pull them off.




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Wildlife of Florida 2011
Wildlife of Florida 2011
Fiona Sunquist
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Wildlife of Florida: Lizards
Fiona Sunquist
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