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Spotted Skunk

Spotted Skunk

Spilogale putorius                                                   Photo Chris Wemmer ©

The spotted skunk is small, the size of a gray squirrel, and an agile climber. It is marked with a ‘stay-away’ black-and-white coat. If you disregard the warning and get too close it will raise its tail and spray you with a foul-smelling fluid. Bathing with tomato juice may help to wash away the smell. You rarely see a live skunk but they occasionally appear as roadkills; you can smell the distinctive odor as you drive by.

The other species of skunk in Florida, the striped skunk, is the size of a house cat, and rather slow moving. It is also marked with black-and-white warning coloration. Both species usually emerge at dusk to forage, rooting through leaf litter and soil in search of insects, eggs and small vertebrates.

Striped Skunk

 Striped Skunk                                                   Photo Fiona Sunquist ©



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